Why Dogs React

June 20, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Chasin Tails Dog Center
2309 Centre Avenue E
Past Event
$25.00 CAD Single Ticket
good for 1 person *no refunds or returns
Past Event
$40.00 CAD Couple Ticket
good for 2 people *no refunds or returns
Cindy Peacock

Does your dog choose fight over flight? Does your dog cower when people approach? This workshop is to help you better understand your dog’s behaviour and give you the skills to better manage it. While it can present in many forms, reactivity is a common behaviour issue. Simply put, reactivity can be defined as an overreaction to external stimuli. Dogs may beh reactive to people, dogs, other animals, noises, motion, or any combination of the above. Reactive dogs may be fearful, frustrated, and aggressive or over excited.
Join us for this 1.5-2hr learning event (human only, no dogs in attendance).
Tickets $25/ticket, two for $40, or 5 for $90 - 50% of the proceeds go to the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS).

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