Teen Manners

February 14, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2200 Campbell Road
Cindy Peacock

Did your adorable puppy grow into an unruly adolescent? 
This can be the most frustrating stage of a dog’s life for owners and the time when most dogs are surrendered to shelters for behaviour problems.

My special “Teen Edition” class combines common puppy problem solving skills with manners and socialization to keep you and your troublesome teenager on the right  track. If your dog is 4 to 24 months old, take advantage of our teen class to help you cope with
this challenging time in your dog’s life.

This 6 week class is built around the science of the teenage brain and learning theory, using only the most humane and effective teaching methods.

Requirements: Dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations. To attend Teen Manners classes your dog must be calm and sociable around other dogs and humans; not showing extreme fearful and reactive behaviours such as raised hackles, barking, lunging, growling, cowering, etc.

$225+gst for 6 weeks of classes.

Please click here to register.

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