Meet the Trainer

Photo: Heads and Tails Photography

For over 20 years, Cindy has devoted herself to the care, understanding, and development of the human-animal bond. Her philosophy is that when we bring animals into our world we have a responsibility to work with them through training to not only manage that shared world, but to thrive in it. Her goal is to keep dogs in their homes forever, and help their human companions reap the joys and rewards that such relationships bring.

Her work started with fostering animals, working with each as an individual to ensure they would have the best possible chance for success in a new home. In 2004 she joined the Calgary Zoo, and spent six years as a keeper/trainer. In 2010, she realized she could make a more direct impact by applying her years of experience and knowledge to working intimately with dogs and their humans, fostering positive and compassionate communication and a fun, meaningful, rewarding relationship.

Cindy is a Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP) and has served as Apprentice for the Calgary Humane Society, teaching behaviour classes and working on assessments of incoming animals. She is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT KA) and has countless hours of first-hand experience working with almost every conceivable behavioral situation.

Cindy worked as the Lead Trainer at the Kicking Horse Grizzly Refuge and volunteers extensively with organizations including the Animal Rescue Foundations of Alberta and Ontario (ARF), the Calgary Humane Society, Halo Husky HavenMEOW Foundation, Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, and the Global Animal Lovers Society.